Foyne Jones Job Seekers Club welcomes speaker Stress Matters

Director of Stress Matters James Capell-Abra will be a guest speaker at the Job Seekers Club on Jan 22, 2021, talking about protecting mental health and finding extra resilience when looking for employment

20 Jan, 21

Specialist recruitment agency Foyne Jones has launched a weekly Job Seekers Club, with guest speakers, for anyone who has lost their job or is seeking new employment during the current lockdown.

Stress Matters joins Foyne Jones Job Seekers Club


Director of Stress Matters James Capell-Abra will be a guest speaker at the Job Seekers Club on Jan 22, 2021 11.00-12.00pm (GMT).

He will be talking about protecting mental health and finding extra resilience when job seaching, sharing hints and tips, as well as answering questions from job seekers.

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Working in partnership with Quooker UK and run on a weekly basis throughout January, February and March, candidates must book a space which are limited to 50 participants per session.

Each instalment will be hosted by, founder and managing director at Foyne Jones, Peter Jones and will provide attendees with informal guidance, career advice, as well as self-motivation techniques.

Peter Jones commented on the launch of the weekly Job Seekers Club: “We want to provide targeted advice, along with the latest creative strategies to optimise career opportunities within the KBB, builders’ merchant and construction sales industries.

“Making a commitment to show up for your dreams and improve your life is the biggest thing you can ever do and we want to provide you with a solid foundation for success so you can fulfil your long-term career aspirations.

“With the health crisis and digital landscape changing on a weekly basis, job hunting and recruitment has to be fluid and therefore evolve. Because if we don’t start doing things differently, we are in danger of losing our best players to other sectors: and potentially, stop attracting experts within our field and much sought after stars of the future.”

Kitchens & Bathrooms News has joined forces with Foyne Jones to offer its readers job searching and career advice.