Andrea Sexton PR on a budget

Director of Andrea Sexton PR, Andrea Sexton

09 May, 18
Andrea Sexton, director of her own strategic marketing and brand development company Andrea Sexton PR, reveals her top tips for people on a budget

Recently I’ve read all sorts of articles about “the death of the press release” and hear people moaning it’s impossible to get into the media without paying. You will be glad to hear that I don’t think this is true.

Here are my PR tips for people with zero (or little) budget….

Think carefully about who your customer is and what they watch or read

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Get familiar with the publications they read. Every publication is different and requires a different approach. Also read all the online publications or blogs you have listed really carefully. They all have different sections, formats and layouts.

Have a second opinion

If you are not confident at writing then use someone who is. This will cost, so if you really have no budget then I totally understand why you will need to write the piece yourself. At the very least have a friend read what you have written to make sure it gets the message across.

Make it fun

Bear in mind publications need articles and news stories that are fun to read. Find an angle.

New products are good and so are case studies. Put yourself in the place of the reader or listener and decide what you would like to know about.

Remember it’s not just product news that is important – is someone in your business doing something for charity or do you help the local community in some way? This is great news.

Keep it short

Keep it short and simple. Don’t send too much to read. Send good quality high res images. In a separate file, not within the text.

Use social media

Use social media well and thoughtfully. All your promotional campaigns need to work well together whether social, digital or in traditional media such as magazines or even radio.

Remember coverage is never guaranteed but if you consider the audience, are targeted in your approach to media, and think creatively, you will be likely to succeed.


Andrea Sexton PR

Pictured – Andrea Sexton