
Crown Imperial | Painted Fusion

British kitchen and bedroom furniture manufacturer Crown Imperial has introduced four Painted Fusion colours to celebrate Spring, with the launch of Mint, Ocean Green, Sage and Yellow Sun.

06 Apr, 21

British kitchen and bedroom furniture manufacturer Crown Imperial has introduced four Painted Fusion colours to celebrate Spring, with the launch of Mint, Ocean Green, Sage and Yellow Sun.

Crown Imperial | Painted Fusion

The new additions offer kitchen designers a total of 22 shades across the Ashton, Aspen, Cotswood, Midsomer, Pinova and Rimano ranges.

Inspired by nature, the latest Painted Fusion colours have been created to add a ‘pop’ of colour in the kitchen.

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Midsomer is shown here with an island in the bold shade of Yellow Sun, which is complemented by the existing shades of Sky and Light Grey.

The Midsomer oak furniture collection can be specified with handles and is also available as a handleless design for a contemporary Shaker look.