Interior Door System clarifies no connection to IDS

Provider of interior door solutions Interior Door Systems has clarified it’s not connected to International Decorative Surfaces, despite both sharing the same acronym IDS.

16 Sep, 24

Provider of interior door solutions Interior Door Systems has clarified it’s not connected to International Decorative Surfaces, despite both sharing the same acronym IDS.

Interior Door System clarifies no connection to IDS

International Decorative Surfaces has recently filed a notice to appoint administrators

While both companies serve the KBB and related markets, they are distinct businesses with no affiliation.

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Interior Door Systems has recently completed a management buyout to strengthen is operational foundation and commitment to growth, with the leadership team securing a £300,000 investment from the board.

Managing director of Interior Door Systems Sam Russell offered his condolences to IDS and its customers “We want to express our sympathy to the employees, clients, and suppliers of International Decorative Surfaces during this challenging time.

“However, we feel it is necessary to reassure our own clients, partners and stakeholders that Interior Door Systems is a distinct and wholly unrelated business.

“Our recent MBO and investment reflect our commitment to excellence and continuous growth in the market.”