Do you embrace or resent change? Philippa Turrell says always choose the first option
When many people’s Resolutions have fallen by the wayside, New Year, New You is still going strong for the kitchen and bathroom industry. GE is now under the ownership of Haier, while Homebase is now Aussie-owned and will be rebranded as Bunnings, changing the face of industrial parks. It could mark a dramatic change of events for the DIY sector, as skills, strengths and knowledge from the New World are brought to the UK. But independent retailers and designers shouldn’t forget they have the opportunity to refresh and revive their businesses, too. If you haven’t already made headway, a good starting point could be viewing the latest products, at KBB Birmingham at the NEC on March 6-9, to identify current and future market trends. It could be from meeting new suppliers or finding out about training opportunities, to gain more knowledge. It could even come from networking and discussing ideas with like-minded professionals.
Change can an exciting, inspiring time for businesses. It can propel sales. It can future-proof a company. It can motivate and encourage staff. Change is a moment; a decision to steer a business to success. Whether optional or enforced, change is an opportunity. But how many of us truly embrace it? It’s safer to stay in a comfort zone but, let’s face it, won’t reap dramatic results or rewards.
The kitchen and bathroom industry needs change. It thrives on new ideas. It needs experience from outside the industry and it needs youthful energy. In fact, MD of Premier Kitchens & Bedrooms Iain Forsthye believes the future of his business lies with younger directors in their 30s rather than their 50s. And while I absolutely agree new visions and methodologies come automatically with every generation, I also think the willingness to consider and embrace ideas is a mindset (and it has nothing to do with me being a card-carrying member of Gen X *ahem*). For the kitchen and bathroom industry, then, having an open mind to learn about new technologies, new practices and new philosophies to evolve business strategies, is just as significant as any age group demographic. In the words of David Bowie, While time may change me (in fact all of us), let’s make we keep on top of it, embrace it, and make it a change for the better.