Define your audience: Everything else is tactics

Performance strategist at Door4 Holly Neal explains why KBB retailers must define their audience as a focus of all marketing

28 Aug, 24

Performance strategist at Door4 Holly Neal explains why KBB retailers must define their audience as a focus of all marketing

Define your audience: Everything else is tactics 1

In today’s competitive marketplace, defining your target audience is not just a marketing buzzword; it is a fundamental strategy that can make or break your business.

For businesses operating in the home and garden sector, understanding who your customers are and what they need is crucial for success.

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It shapes your entire strategy, ensuring your efforts are effective and your budget well-spent.

It can also inform category entry points, the triggers that make a consumer think about a particular category and specific brands.

Everything else – the marketing campaigns, the product selections, the store layouts – are tactics that follow from this central understanding.


Why define your target audience?

There are five key reasons why focusing on your target audience first is essential to success and how it impacts your marketing.

Market segmentation and targeting: By clearly defining your target audience, you can segment the market and focus on the most valuable groups. Identify what motivates your customers to buy and allocate resources to those segments with the highest return potential, ensuring your marketing efforts are focused and efficient.

Memorable messaging and creative platforms: It allows your messaging to address your audience’s specific needs and pain points. This makes your campaigns more impactful and memorable, maximising your marketing spend and driving conversions.

Optimised media choices: Knowing where your audience spends their time helps you choose the right media channels.This ensures your message reaches the right people at the right time, enhancing the efficiency of your media.

Accurate campaign measurement: Understanding your audience allows for precise measurement of your campaign’s success. This helps in data-driven optimisation, ensuring better allocation of future budgets and continuous improvement of marketing efforts.

Addressing barriers to growth: Identifying potential barriers, like lack of awareness or product gaps that might be hindering your brand’s success, ensures comprehensive marketing efforts that enhance audience engagement and brand perception.


Category Entry Points

Category entry points are the triggers that make a consumer think about a particular category and specific brands within that category.

These can be:

  • Situational triggers: Occasions where a consumer might need a product, like feeling hungry for a snack or looking for a gift for a special occasion.
  • Emotional states: Emotions like stress or happiness can lead to thinking about certain product categories and brands.
  • Functional needs: Practical requirements such as cleaning the house or improving health.
  • Social influences: Recommendations from friends, family or influencers that bring a category or brand to mind.
  • Visual and auditory cues: Logos, jingles and packaging that trigger brand recall.


Even when targeting a broad audience, segmentation and understanding CEPs ensure that your messaging is tailored to the most valuable segments, making your campaigns successful, even with budget constraints.

Without a clear understanding of your audience, mass marketing efforts can become scattergun and ineffective.

Investing in audience research and analysis prevents wasted resources and enhances the impact of your marketing.

Defining your target audience is the first and most crucial step in developing effective marketing strategies.

It informs every aspect of your marketing efforts, ensuring that your message and media cuts through and is memorable to your audience in the moments that matter.

By focusing on your target audience first, you lay a solid foundation for all subsequent marketing activities, driving success and sustainable growth.