What are the stages of an effective sales process?

Johanne Stimson, business strategist and sales coach, is founder of Go to Jo. In our playbook to KBB retail sales, she looks at the stages of the process

16 Jul, 24

Johanne Stimson, business strategist and sales coach, is founder of Go to Jo. In Part One of our playbook to KBB retail sales, she looks at the various stages of the process as a reminder for experienced professionals and as a starting point for novices.

What are the stages of an effective sales process? 1

What is the sales process you should use in your KBB retail business? I believe any sales process and lead generation activities you choose should be as multifaceted and individual as the spaces you design and create. So let’s start by exploring the stages and options for a sales process, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as how they could fit within the “consultative” sales approach.

Here are the key critical stages as I see them.

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  1. Lead generation

This first stage involves attracting potential clients through lead generation activities, marketing efforts, referrals, or walk-ins. Building a database of prospects is key so you can market to an audience that knows you.

You have obviously have social media, printed and online publications, word of mouth, flyers and printed material but also consider something called a funnel lead magnet, something like www.ScoreApp.com. This amazing tool will do three things, data capture on the front end to add to your email list for email marketing, help you with market research so you really understand your customer and sell your offers and/or grow your social media audience.

  1. Ideal client mapping

Understanding your client, the problems they may be facing and what transformation or result you offer. Demonstrating you understand, empathise and can bring a personal human element here are key.

  1. Design and proposal

Here you’re looking to present a visual representation for your client. Being able to demonstrate you listened and that you understand their current situation.

  1. Quotation and negotiation

Now you’re at the stage where you can offer the detailed quote and negotiate terms taking the interest closer to a sale. Remember to be transparent and flexible so your client feels in control of their decision and ways forward.

  1. Closing the sale

Here’s the admin bit! Agreements need to be finalised, deposits taken and scheduling in the project timelines move your customer through the sales journey.

  1. Post-sale follow-up

This bit is important and so easily missed! Doing this follow up allows you an opportunity to capture testimonials and reviews, the way I think about this is that you’ve trained your customer to be your unpaid salesperson and their experience will be the best lead magnet you’ll ever execute.

Make sure you ask for them and use them in your marketing to help attract more customers to you.