As part of its More In Store campaign, Franke offers retailers social media seminars
As part of its More In Store campaign to support independent, specialist retailers, Franke is offering free seminars on social media in September.
The seminars are free of charge and being held around the country, with the first held in Manchester on September 9, followed by the Midlands on September 10 and in London on Thursday 11. All retailers have to do is join the More In Store campaign and book their place.
Anna Woolliscroft and David Prescod of social media agency Market Avenue will deliver the morning session which run from 8.30am until 12noon.
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Wolliscroft lectures on social media and will provide an overview of the different channels, advice on how to use them, campaign implementation and monitoring, with real-life examples from the kitchen industry. She will also hold a Q&A session for retailers to pose questions specific to their businesses.
After the event, attendees will also be eligible for a Franke-funded email or Skype consultation with Anna to help them with social media as a way to promote their business.
It follows the Expert Series seminar on showroom design and Marie Curie Great Blooming Tea Party, where Franke retailers were provided with cakes to sell in aid of the charity.