
Omega | Custom Size Fillers

British kitchen manufacturer Omega has extended its Custom Size Panel range, with the introduction of Custom Size Fillers.

19 Mar, 25

British kitchen manufacturer Omega has extended its Custom Size Panel range, with the introduction of Custom Size Fillers.

Omega | Custom Size Fillers

According to Omega, the Custom Size Fillers simplify installation, reduce time on site and avoid joins and cuts on island and breakfast bar panelling, with a factory finish.

In addition, the service supports a more sustainable approach to kitchen projects, minimising waste, with potential cost savings for installers and end users.

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Custom Fillers are available across all its brands—Sheraton, Mackintosh, English Rose, Chippendale, and Novus (pictured).

Available for all door ranges in both smooth and grained painted, as well as non-painted finishes, fillers and panels are cut to size to match the door range finishes.