2025 outlook | Coalville Kitchens | The year of the independent

KBSA board member and director of Coalville Kitchens & Kutchenhaus Lutterworth, Luke Wedgbury says "be more you than ever before"

28 Jan, 25

KBSA board member and director of Coalville Kitchens & Kutchenhaus Lutterworth, Luke Wedgbury says “be more you than ever before”

2025 outlook | Coalville Kitchens | The year of the independent

Most independent KBB retailers will be glad to see the back of 2024, it’s been a tough year for some.

I could list a plethora of reasons why the last 12 months have been challenging but that would only feed into a negative mindset around what the next 12 months might have in store for us. I won’t be drawn into that.

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Do more

So how do I see 2025 going?

Well, if you could go back in time and start 2024 again knowing exactly what the year ahead holds, what would you do differently?  Staff? Marketing? Products? Pricing? The list is endless.

My advice?  All the above and more. Much more.

I can’t wait to get stuck into 2025 like it’s my first year in business, drive forward with passion for what we do best – serving our client’s needs.

In a nutshell that’s what we (as business owners) do. We fix/remove all the problems a client will face when looking to purchase a new kitchen or bathroom. Keep that in mind, get good at it, and it will serve you well.

Independent strength

No one knows your business better than you, it’s a tough job running an independent KBB but you’ll only ever get out of it what you put in.

I’ve seen lots of press around how the big hitters of our industry have really struggled this year.

I’m sure you’ve seen the same stories about turnover being down, stores closing, big names going into liquidation.

It would be easy to say “hey, it’s just the market conditions, nothing we can do but sit tight”.

If you just “sit tight” chances are you’ll end up like them. Don’t do that. I see this as opportunity.

Don’t be like them. Don’t do things how they did things. Be you more than ever before! Be you on steroids!

Sell your value

Our biggest strength as independent retailers is our independence. No one on the planet can design, deliver, install and complete a project quite like you. No one.

When Mr & Mrs Jones visit your showroom what are you doing to ensure they do not need to go anywhere else?

Now I understand that’s a big question that only you can answer but if 2025 is going to be anything like the last 12 months then I suspect that we’ll all need to ensure our conversion rates are a little better and as independents we are incredibly well placed to do so.

If you sell the value of you, then there is no competition. 2025? The year of the independent.