Cyncly | Choose software that matches the speed of your business

Head of KBF retail sales EMEA at Cyncly Alexander Ainge explains why KBB retailers must choose software that keeps pace with their business

01 Oct, 24

Head of KBF retail sales EMEA at Cyncly Alexander Ainge explains why KBB retailers must choose design and business software that keeps pace with their business

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For independent kbb retailers, time is perhaps the most valuable commodity.

Juggling multiple roles – designing kitchens, managing finances, handling staff, meeting customers, visiting sites, and even preparing quotes – retailers find themselves being the proverbial ‘chief cook and bottle washer.’

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With only so many hours in the day, the ability to efficiently multitask and streamline processes can make all the difference between a flourishing business and one that’s merely surviving.

Retailers know that every minute saved on administrative or repetitive tasks is a minute that can be invested in building customer relationships, honing design concepts, and driving sales.

The time-saving benefits of using the right software cannot be overstated.

It’s about having the flexibility to work from anywhere, embracing multitasking, and, crucially, using software that renders designs in the background while seamlessly switching between projects.

This is where choosing the right design software comes into its own, offering retailers the speed and flexibility they need to thrive.

Work from anywhere

One of the standout features of modern design software is cloud-based capability, eliminating the need for physical hardware such as dongles, servers, or complicated network setups.

This feature is invaluable, especially for retailers who operate across multiple locations or find themselves frequently on the move.

Traditionally, kitchen designers would visit a client’s home, jot down measurements, and then return to the showroom to redraw and finalise the design.

This process is time-consuming, often involving duplicate efforts that can delay the sales process.

However, with the right software, this step is significantly streamlined.

Designers can start the design process on-site, inputting measurements and initial ideas directly into the software.

This not only speeds up the process but also reduces the risk of errors that can occur when information is transferred from one place to another.

This capability is a lifeline for independent retailers. Imagine the hours saved over a month by being able to finalise designs or make quick amendments on the spot, without the need to return to the office.

It enhances the customer experience too, by providing immediate visual feedback, building trust and confidence in the retailer’s capability and commitment to delivering personalised solutions.

Embrace multitasking

Another significant time-saving feature offered by the best design software is the ability to generate high-quality renders while continuing to work on other projects.

In many competing software solutions, rendering a design can be a bottleneck. T

he process is so resource-intensive that it can halt all other activities, forcing the designer to take a break or work on less demanding tasks until the render is complete.

The ability to render in the background changes this dynamic entirely.

You can set the software to render while you continue with other tasks, whether it’s preparing another design, responding to customer enquiries, or even setting up orders.

This seamless ability to multitask ensures that no time is wasted, and productivity remains high.

Consider a scenario where a client needs to see an updated render on the same day.

Perhaps they’re visiting the showroom to finalise the design and make a deposit.

If the rendering process can only happen when no other work is being done, it delays the entire workflow, potentially even resulting in lost sales opportunities.

Software that supports background rendering allows you to make those last-minute tweaks and still deliver on time, enhancing customer satisfaction and driving sales.

Unlocking growth

For many independent retailers, the ultimate goal is to grow their business, not merely manage day-to-day tasks.

By implementing software that maximises efficiency, you can minimise the need for additional staff or reduce the hours spent on menial tasks.

This allows you to focus on being an entrepreneur – innovating, expanding your market reach, and driving profitability.

The cumulative effect of saving minutes here and hours there adds up quickly.

Retailers using efficient software can free up substantial amounts of time over weeks and months, which can then be redirected towards activities that directly impact their bottom line.

This might include developing marketing strategies, networking within the industry, or improving the showroom’s aesthetics to attract more customers.

Software for speed

The value of speed in the kbb industry cannot be overstated.

Retailers are pulled in countless directions, often under significant time pressure, and need tools that can keep up with their pace.

The right software can transform their workflow, making it more efficient, flexible, and less stressful.

By choosing solutions that maximise time-saving capabilities, you can embrace the freedom to work from anywhere, multitask effectively, and use powerful features like background rendering.

These capabilities do more than just save time – they empower you to focus on what truly matters: growing your business and creating outstanding customer experiences.

After all, isn’t that why you chose to be in this industry in the first place?

 To design, innovate, and lead, not to get bogged down by the minutiae of everyday tasks.